Five Nights at Freddy's review

Five Nights at Freddy's

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Five Nights at Freddy's is a point-and-click horror game that has been taking the internet by storm. The objective of the game is to survive five nights at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place, a restaurant where the animatronic animal characters come to life at night and wander the halls.


The gameplay of Five Nights at Freddy's is relatively simple, but it is also very suspenseful and scary. The player must use the security cameras and doors to keep track of the animatronics and prevent them from entering the office. The player can check the cameras by clicking on them and can close the doors by clicking on the buttons next to them. 

The player must also keep an eye on the power meter, as the animatronics will drain the power if they are able to enter the office. If the power runs out, the player will be attacked by the animatronics. The player can also use the flashlight to check dark areas, but this will also drain the power. The game is played in real-time, and the player must survive five nights. 

The player can also use the air conditioning to cool down the pizzeria, but this will make the player's position more visible to the animatronics. The player can also use the lights to see in the dark, but this will also make the player's position more visible. The player must survive until 6 AM, when they will be given a "night bonus". The nights get progressively harder, and the animatronics become more active.


The graphics of Five Nights at Freddy's are simple, but they are effective in conveying the horror atmosphere of the game. The player views the game from a first-person perspective, and the environments are all rendered in 2D. The animatronics are the only 3D models in the game, and they are all very well-detailed. 

The graphics of Five Nights at Freddy's are simple but effective. The environments are dark and moody, and the lighting effects are used to great effect. The graphics are not remarkably realistic, but they are effective in conveying the atmosphere of the game. The sound design is also excellent, and the game's music is very effective at creating a sense of tension and fear.


The controls of Five Nights at Freddy's are very simple and easy to learn. The player must use the mouse to click on objects and interact with the environment. The player can check the cameras by clicking on them and can close the doors by clicking on the buttons next to them. 

The player must also keep an eye on the power meter, as the animatronics will drain the power if they are able to enter the office. If the power runs out, the player will be attacked by the animatronics. The player can also use the flashlight to check dark areas, but this will also drain the power.


Five Nights at Freddy's is a game that can be replayed many times. The player can try to survive all five nights or can try to complete specific objectives, such as surviving for a certain amount of time or keeping the power meter above a certain level. 

The game is also randomized, so the player may encounter different animatronics on different playthroughs. There is also a night 6 mode that is unlocked after the player completes the game, which is even more difficult than the regular game. The high replay value of the game is one of its main selling points.


Five Nights at Freddy's is a suspenseful and scary point-and-click horror game that is sure to keep players hooked. The simple but effective gameplay, graphics, and controls, as well as the high replay value, make the game well worth its price. There are also many secrets to be found in the game, and the player can replay the game to try to find all of them.

Five Nights at Freddy's is a great survival horror game with an excellent atmosphere and scares. The gameplay is based on point-and-click mechanics, and the player must use a security camera system to survive five nights while being stalked by animatronic animals. If you're looking for a great survival horror game, then you should definitely check out Five Nights at Freddy's.


  • Can be played on most devices
  • Sound design is excellent and really helps to set the mood
  • Gameplay is unique and different from many other horror games
  • The game is very suspenseful and keeps you on the edge of your seat


  • Someone may find it repetitive and not challenging enough

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